Friday, June 17, 2011

The Dog Days Are Over

The dog days are over, the dog days are done...

This song was played at a wedding I attended last weekend and it has been stuck in my head ever since.  I had actually never heard the song until it was showcased on Glee one week (which is admittedly where I hear most pop music!), but it's definitely grown on me.  And it seems appropriate now that summer is finally (hopefully) here to stay.

I've never had a dog myself, but I want this one so bad I could cry!  Okay, okay, maybe not CRY...but you get my point.  Look how cute!

I could try to make her in cupcake form, but somehow I don't think it would be as cute as she is.  For a former roommate's welcome home surprise, I did make her favorite dog out of flour and buttercream.  A little more practice and it'll look so real it might bite!

The idea was taken from 'Hello, Cupcake!' where they have a wonderful section completely devoted to dog cupcakes!  This pug has Tootsie Roll ears, strawberry Starburst tongue, Jelly Belly eyes and nose with buttercream fur.  

(Neither one is real!)


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