Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lemonade Stands

Yesterday was National Lemonade Day and really what is more indicative of summer than a child's lemonade stand? The makeshift table, hand scratched sign, chintzy pitcher and paper cups, not to mention the jar of change filled with the promise of popsicles and dime store toys - it all smells of summer.

For a BBQ one year I made pink lemonade cupcakes and they were a huge hit! But it got me thinking, what better compliment to a lemonade stand than a sweet treat you can wash down with an ice cold glass of fresh squeezed lemonade?

These cupcakes used a traditional white cake recipe with frozen pink lemonade mix added in. Toss in a hint of red food coloring and they come out of the oven a warm rosy pink. For the frosting I decided on a light lemon buttercream also colored a pale pink to match.

To offset the sour I added some sugared lemon candies and a final touch of whimsy with a bendy straw! Just be sure you get some paying customers at your lemonade stand before you and the kiddos devour the tasty treats!


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