Monday, February 20, 2012

A Sunday Sundae

Late last week I had the "pleasure" of having two of my wisdom teeth out.  Mostly it was a weekend of sleeping and drinking all my food.  Not only have I missed solid food, but I've missed cupcakes as well!  I'm not going to lie though, the thought of putting a cupcake in a blender and drinking it does not sound appetizing.

So while I'm dreaming of foods that go "crunch", I'll leave you with some "soft food" inspired cupcakes...

Vanilla funfetti ice cream sundae cupcakes to be exact!

Unfortunately for me, none of the above is actually ice cream.  We covered the cupcakes in white fondant, a smear of chocolate icing, and gumpaste cherries.

Happy birthday Krystal!

Here's hoping I might be able to graduate to cupcakes at some point in the next few days and leave the pudding and jello behind!


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